Monday, March 2, 2015

1970's fashion for girls


      One of my favorite generations for fashion is the 70's! It's just so different. During that time is when everything in the fashion world was starting to slowly change. A lot of girls wore different things, which is in every generation to be honest. The most popular trends were girls wearing dresses. Girls were starting to go bolder with the length. Sometimes they would wear shorts this short also. When they did, it was mostly girly. So pretty much a lot of flower pattern, natural colors, or a simple but yet interesting pattern. 

     The 'party' look was mostly short dresses but
 with more of an interesting look. Some girls would go all out and be bold with prints for the patterns or animal print. Then other girls would just go with more of a simple look with more dresses like the girls in the picture on the bottom row.


     A lot of girls did the whole 'protest outfits' therefore, it was simply like this. They were just light, natural, simply colors/designs.

     This style was very common. It was more towards the late 70's that it came around to becoming popular. Bell Bottoms were very popular back then. It's simply just normal jeans but at the end of the pant leg, it flares out. It's like our normal flare jeans but there's more 'flare' added to it.

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