Friday, March 6, 2015

Drive-In Movies

During the 1950's-1970's Drive-In's were very popular. They were mostly a form of a cinema structure with a large outdoor movie screen, a projection booth, a concession stand and a large parking area for cars. Anyone could watch the movie from their car, they could have privacy and be comfortable while enjoying the movie.

    The screen was as simple as a wall that was painted white. Originally, a movie's sound was provided by speakers on the screen and later by an individual speaker hung from the window of each car, which would be attached by a wire. 
Drive-in Theatre Memories
This system was superseded by the more economical and less damaging method of broadcasting the soundtrack at a low output power on AM or FM radio to be picked up by a car radio. Going to Drive-In's made Saturday nights fun. It was really popular to do during that time. Sadly, they have slowly faded away. There is a couple still around that are fully operating. Going to Drive-In's were what was 'popular' to do during the 50's-70's. 
Drive-in Movie Saturday Night

1 comment:

  1. I loved drive-ins as a kid. I saw some pretty risque movies there, not that I was actually at that movie though. Great post but what about drive-in theaters today? Any around in this area?
