Monday, February 23, 2015

80's Fashion

One of my by far favorite topics to talk about is fashion. More pacific, 80's fashion! The main reason why I love it so much is it can range from basic to over the top, and it was still acceptable and super cute! One of my favorite types of 'styles' back then was the 'simple' look. Which is more of the grunge look of the 90's but more girly to it. So you can describe it as the 'tumblr' look. If you've ever watch the Breakfast Club, the character, Claire Standish. Which is played by Molly Ringwald. Her look is any movie she's done during the 80's is the look I'm talking about.


Another really popular look was more of the effortless look. Which was more towards the late 80's also during the early 90's as well. This look was more of band shirts, logo shirts, with cardigans, blazers, or a jacket wrapped around the waist. 

Another main look during that time was the sort of the 'party look/every day look'. Which was which either a lot of natural colors or more of a 'out there' look with brighter colors. 

The most common and the most style that mostly every one remembers. Most people just think that girls only in the 80's just wore bright colors and leg warmers. Yes, that is true but not twenty-four-seven. This look was also another popular trend. Which included, leggings, leg warmers, big earrings, bright make-up, and bright colors. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hair Styles: 70's

The 70's most popular hair styles were so different yet so similar. From having straight hair, to being parted right in the middle. The hair styles normally either had long bangs to either side or just straight up bangs. The hair was normally very, very long. Sometimes almost to her hips.
A lot of girls have hair styles like this back in the day. Most popular was having the sides of her hair be curled backwards.
Some girls even started the whole 'big hair' thing. Which also started the 'big jewelry' trend. 
The last major type of hair do that girls rocked back in the 70's were the Afro.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Cell Phones: 80s vs 2015

Cell phones are used almost by everyone now days. We never forget them. They are attached to our hip, like an extra arm. When we loose it, we freak out. When we break it, we get so mad that some of us even cry.

Our whole lives are on our phones. Some do our taxes on it, plan our meetings, and even what's going to happen in five weeks. It's crazy how attached we are to our phones. It's nice to have them, but at times I feel that it's way too much. If you think about the future, either we are going to become too into our phones or lay off of them more.

If you think about it back in the 80's-early 90's phones were around. But they were those big block phones. That mostly only rich people had phones. In order to use it, you would have to make sure the antenna was up.

Now days, you don't have to have an antenna. It could work perfectly fine without one. Cell phones have evolved in so many ways. So have people, we act differently towards it then what teenagers in the 80's would have acted like.

If we have evolved this much within this small amount of time with cell phones, imagine what our children will be like. It has gone from block phones, to iphones, then who knows? We could have a phone were you press a button and a hologram appears instantly. Or you can get transported by saying into the phone where you wanna go.

It's just so crazy how much we/cell phones have changed by themselves. Having cell phones have changed up for good. We will depend on them for everything and it will always be that way.

Teen Pregnancy in General

Teen pregnancy in the United States is a big deal now days, I walk around my high school. I seen normally about three to five pregnant teens a year. It's so weird to think. I mean, teenagers that are aged from fifteen to eighteen are becoming parents. We are still kids ourselves and you're about to become a parent. 

I don't mind teen pregnancy, I just think it's a scary thing to do. I personally feel if you do become a parent at a young age, it's okay. The only thing that's wrong with it is how you make decisions after that. That little bundle of joy is counting on you to save the day every time. Don't fail.

It really bothers me when other judge mental teenagers talk so much crap about teen parents. Saying how, they never accomplish anything. They will never amount to anything great. You know what's so funny? IT ALL COUNTS ON THE DECISIONS YOU MAKE. It would be the same if you didn't have a kid. Everything in life determines on what you do next. So, no, it really DOES NOT matter on if you're pregnant or not. If you really want some thing, you'll do whatever it takes.

Being a result of teen pregnancy, I would have to say it's really weird. Everyone talking about how teen pregnancy sucks. Yes, there was difficult times. Yes, some of my life sucked. But, like I said it all determines how bad you want things. Once my mother got older, things started to turn around. I'm not saying life was so bad, we lived in a box. It was never hard like that. Just the fact that my dad was never around also, so that was always a plus.

What I'm trying to say is I'm a result of it. I'm doing pretty good in school, and in life. I'm going to college in the fall and I have a wonderful job. If there is anyone expecting a child soon, just do your best and don't listen to anyone. Coming from a kid being the result of that, everything turns out fine.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Friendship: 80s vs. 2000s

Friendship during the 80's vs. 2000s

One big thing that has changed a lot more in today's age compared to the 80's then anything else, would be friendship. During 1980's, friendship was a very important key detail in a teenagers life. I mean, it's important now. But a lot has changed. 

For one thing, texting was not invented yet. Using of the so called 'cellular device' not so common. Well only in the movie Clueless. Therefore, actually going to someones house and knocking on the door was something people actually did then. Calling people, and writing letters, were very popular.

I feel that friendships were actually more real, trustworthy, and very strong back then. Friends would go places together, and bond over silly little things. My parents are friends with their friends pretty much thirty years later, mainly because they had a good friendship back in the day.

Social media has a lot of doing to friendships today. If social media (Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook) was an actually thing. I feel like more drama and such things would be an issue. Also the fact that some people would just stay in their room instead of leaving and hanging out with their friends.

In today's world, the deal with friendships is different. Yes, some are really strong and blah blah blah. What sucks about friendships now days, is social media and phones. If phones/social media did not exist, that would be amazing. With social media, it makes a lot more drama. Which is really annoying. It makes girls/boys argue more. About who is with who or about who just got caught with who. I mean really? It makes us not trust each other. 

With social media, it makes us want to stay home more and be on the internet then go out and hangout with our friends. I wish that friendships and how it was back in the 80's was actually still alive today. Just imagine how many strong bonds of a friendship would you have. Ahhh, it'd be nice. Maybe one day, or we can dream about it guys. 

Music in the 80s vs 2000s

Music in the 80's vs 2000's

     It seems like every thing I listen to, my Mom always tells me, ¨When I was growing up we didn't listen to music like that," or ¨My teenage years were actually full of good music, not stuff that's auto tuned,¨. Yes, my teenage years might be full of different types of music or most of it auto tuned. Some of it sucks, but some of it is really good. Comparing the 80's to the 2000's is very different but yet there still is some things that are still in the ball park of being simialiar.
     Back in the 80's there was mixtape, that was the 'popular' form of listening to music or the radio. I mean, when I was born (which was in 96) I used a mixtape here and there. When I was younger, we used mixtapes. Then they went out of style and CD's came around. Now in the year 2015, CD's aren't really popular anymore. It's more itunes and radio. 
     Music is one big thing. In the 80's, I feel like there was better music then today's music. Today, we still do have some good music. But not that good anymore. 
     The some of 80's biggest stars included: 

  • Madonna 
  • Cyndi Lauper
  • Prince
  • Michael Jackson
  • Aerosmith
  • Skid Row
     I think that some music from back then is really good and I listen to did. So does some of my friends. Music from today is similar but yet different.     Some of 2000's biggest stars include:
  • The Backstreet Boys
  • Green Day
  • Weezer
  • Nicki Minaj
  • Beyounce
  • Fifth Harmony
  • Lil' Wayne
  • Justin Timberlake
     Most of my age group will probably listen to this type of music and some from the 80's as they grow up. I know my children will listen to some of this and whatever is in store for the world of music. Its going to be interesting to see where the music industry will go from here.     
     Most of today's songs or genres are similar to back in the 80's. The one thing that's really annoying that's different is how auto tuned songs are now days. Some songs are so 'touched up' that you can't even pick out what the lyrics are. Back in the 80's, the music industry was just starting to play around with auto tuned. Now it's just too much in some genres.