Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Cell Phones: 80s vs 2015

Cell phones are used almost by everyone now days. We never forget them. They are attached to our hip, like an extra arm. When we loose it, we freak out. When we break it, we get so mad that some of us even cry.

Our whole lives are on our phones. Some do our taxes on it, plan our meetings, and even what's going to happen in five weeks. It's crazy how attached we are to our phones. It's nice to have them, but at times I feel that it's way too much. If you think about the future, either we are going to become too into our phones or lay off of them more.

If you think about it back in the 80's-early 90's phones were around. But they were those big block phones. That mostly only rich people had phones. In order to use it, you would have to make sure the antenna was up.

Now days, you don't have to have an antenna. It could work perfectly fine without one. Cell phones have evolved in so many ways. So have people, we act differently towards it then what teenagers in the 80's would have acted like.

If we have evolved this much within this small amount of time with cell phones, imagine what our children will be like. It has gone from block phones, to iphones, then who knows? We could have a phone were you press a button and a hologram appears instantly. Or you can get transported by saying into the phone where you wanna go.

It's just so crazy how much we/cell phones have changed by themselves. Having cell phones have changed up for good. We will depend on them for everything and it will always be that way.

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