Friendship during the 80's vs. 2000s
One big thing that has changed a lot more in today's age compared to the 80's then anything else, would be friendship. During 1980's, friendship was a very important key detail in a teenagers life. I mean, it's important now. But a lot has changed.
For one thing, texting was not invented yet. Using of the so called 'cellular device' not so common. Well only in the movie Clueless. Therefore, actually going to someones house and knocking on the door was something people actually did then. Calling people, and writing letters, were very popular.
I feel that friendships were actually more real, trustworthy, and very strong back then. Friends would go places together, and bond over silly little things. My parents are friends with their friends pretty much thirty years later, mainly because they had a good friendship back in the day.
Social media has a lot of doing to friendships today. If social media (Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook) was an actually thing. I feel like more drama and such things would be an issue. Also the fact that some people would just stay in their room instead of leaving and hanging out with their friends.
In today's world, the deal with friendships is different. Yes, some are really strong and blah blah blah. What sucks about friendships now days, is social media and phones. If phones/social media did not exist, that would be amazing. With social media, it makes a lot more drama. Which is really annoying. It makes girls/boys argue more. About who is with who or about who just got caught with who. I mean really? It makes us not trust each other.
With social media, it makes us want to stay home more and be on the internet then go out and hangout with our friends. I wish that friendships and how it was back in the 80's was actually still alive today. Just imagine how many strong bonds of a friendship would you have. Ahhh, it'd be nice. Maybe one day, or we can dream about it guys.
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