Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Teen Pregnancy in General

Teen pregnancy in the United States is a big deal now days, I walk around my high school. I seen normally about three to five pregnant teens a year. It's so weird to think. I mean, teenagers that are aged from fifteen to eighteen are becoming parents. We are still kids ourselves and you're about to become a parent. 

I don't mind teen pregnancy, I just think it's a scary thing to do. I personally feel if you do become a parent at a young age, it's okay. The only thing that's wrong with it is how you make decisions after that. That little bundle of joy is counting on you to save the day every time. Don't fail.

It really bothers me when other judge mental teenagers talk so much crap about teen parents. Saying how, they never accomplish anything. They will never amount to anything great. You know what's so funny? IT ALL COUNTS ON THE DECISIONS YOU MAKE. It would be the same if you didn't have a kid. Everything in life determines on what you do next. So, no, it really DOES NOT matter on if you're pregnant or not. If you really want some thing, you'll do whatever it takes.

Being a result of teen pregnancy, I would have to say it's really weird. Everyone talking about how teen pregnancy sucks. Yes, there was difficult times. Yes, some of my life sucked. But, like I said it all determines how bad you want things. Once my mother got older, things started to turn around. I'm not saying life was so bad, we lived in a box. It was never hard like that. Just the fact that my dad was never around also, so that was always a plus.

What I'm trying to say is I'm a result of it. I'm doing pretty good in school, and in life. I'm going to college in the fall and I have a wonderful job. If there is anyone expecting a child soon, just do your best and don't listen to anyone. Coming from a kid being the result of that, everything turns out fine.

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