Friday, February 6, 2015

Music in the 80s vs 2000s

Music in the 80's vs 2000's

     It seems like every thing I listen to, my Mom always tells me, ¨When I was growing up we didn't listen to music like that," or ¨My teenage years were actually full of good music, not stuff that's auto tuned,¨. Yes, my teenage years might be full of different types of music or most of it auto tuned. Some of it sucks, but some of it is really good. Comparing the 80's to the 2000's is very different but yet there still is some things that are still in the ball park of being simialiar.
     Back in the 80's there was mixtape, that was the 'popular' form of listening to music or the radio. I mean, when I was born (which was in 96) I used a mixtape here and there. When I was younger, we used mixtapes. Then they went out of style and CD's came around. Now in the year 2015, CD's aren't really popular anymore. It's more itunes and radio. 
     Music is one big thing. In the 80's, I feel like there was better music then today's music. Today, we still do have some good music. But not that good anymore. 
     The some of 80's biggest stars included: 

  • Madonna 
  • Cyndi Lauper
  • Prince
  • Michael Jackson
  • Aerosmith
  • Skid Row
     I think that some music from back then is really good and I listen to did. So does some of my friends. Music from today is similar but yet different.     Some of 2000's biggest stars include:
  • The Backstreet Boys
  • Green Day
  • Weezer
  • Nicki Minaj
  • Beyounce
  • Fifth Harmony
  • Lil' Wayne
  • Justin Timberlake
     Most of my age group will probably listen to this type of music and some from the 80's as they grow up. I know my children will listen to some of this and whatever is in store for the world of music. Its going to be interesting to see where the music industry will go from here.     
     Most of today's songs or genres are similar to back in the 80's. The one thing that's really annoying that's different is how auto tuned songs are now days. Some songs are so 'touched up' that you can't even pick out what the lyrics are. Back in the 80's, the music industry was just starting to play around with auto tuned. Now it's just too much in some genres. 

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